Matthew likes to pull the wagons around with the flowers in them, and Abby likes to ride in them.
Abby checking out some flowers for us.
Matthew being his usual weird self. I'm sure this will only get worse once he starts kindergarten next year. Abyy showing me the flowers she picked out for me for Mother's Day. I think she actually wants to give them to Grandma Wanda though. So we shall see how that pans out!
Then on Mother's Day we went to church and we had nursery duty for both Sunday School and the service. Usually we only do the Sunday School hour, and I was reminded why. To many screaming babys at one time! Anyways, after that we headed out to meet Uncle Luke and go fishing and shooting by a river near him. It was Matthew and Todd that wanted to do the Fishing/shooting and I wanted to be with to take pictures of Matthew and Uncle Luke fishing. Turned out to be a pretty nice fun day!
The kids had fun trying to catch fish. The both caught at least one, so that was great!
Even I caught a fish!
Abby really turned into a Tom Girl yesterday! She really liked the fishing and also helping Grandpa Joe with his arrows and walking in the woods with Daddy!