Well the day has come and gone where I had to take my little baby boy to kindergarten! Yep, Matthew started school yesterday.
He seemed pretty excited as he was getting ready yesterday morning. He even had to cheer Abby up a little as she got kind of sad when she realized he wouldn't be here with her all day. Whatever he said seemed to work. We drove to the school and Abby and I walked Matthew to his classroom.
We stopped for a picture right outside of his room. Then we went in and got all checked in with his teacher, and she made sure I was the one that was going to be picking him up that day.
He got his pencil box out of his backpack and hung that up in his spot.
Then he found his spot at the table and the teacher had a picture they could color while they waited for the day to start. We also took a picture with his teacher. I didn't realize till I got home that Matthew had weird eyes in the picture, but oh well.

I asked Matthew that morning what kind of special snack he wanted when he got home from school and first he said nothing then he thought chocolate chip cookies sounded good. Abby and I had to those all ready when he got home. When I picked him up from school he looked as though he was ready to cry. I asked what was wrong and he said he had a headache. I think he gets them when he is very tired. Then I questioned him more while he was eating his cookies. He seemed to like the actual school part of the day, but other parts such as lunch and recess didn't sound to good. He claims he didn't have a sandwich in his lunch bag. I know that I made on and put it in there so we are thinking that it slid out when he unzipped the bag or something. Then he said he just played by himself at recess and started to cry when he was telling me this. We are pretty sure that he was just extremely overwhelmed by the amount of kids out at recess and didn't really know what to do with that many kids. Usually when we go to parks and such he has no problem asking kids to play and stuff so that was really strange. He is very excited about doing math and playing on the computer, which I think from what he told me they do the math on the computer also. He also sounded a little excited about music class, but was wanting to play the bongos! All in all I think he was very overwhelmed and completely exhausted by the end of the day. We talked about trying to ask someone to play at recess while getting ready this morning and he agreed to try and ask someone. He still seemed excited about going back this morning so I guess that's something.