Much to his mothers dismay Matthew went hunting for the first time this weekend. It has been my mom's dream since last year to take him, so instead of breaking her heart again this year, I tild her he could go for a little and only if Todd went with also. From talking to Matthew it sounds like he had a fun time, even though it was bitterly cold out. They didn't get anything but saw two deer according to Matthew. Mom was talking about taking him again next weekend, but I said I don't think so. I just don't think my nerves could handle it again!

Grandpa Joe and Grandma Wanda. Maybe they want to use this picture for there Christmas cards!?!?

Matthew walking the rode, looking for deer.

Grandma Wanda pointing out something really interesting it looks.

They started out the day with breakfast at Uncle Lukes house. Unlce Luke has three snakes and Matthew likes to look at them. I hate them so he only gets this close it I'm not there!