Matthew went hunting again this year and had a blast again. The first weekend they got two bucks and then a few weeks later Uncle Luke scored this big buck! Matthew was very excited for him!
Matthew helped cut up the meat on all the deer. He likes getting right in there with the big boys!
Matthew even has his own knife that he uses. So far he wouldn't eat the meat if you offered him a million dollars, but I'm sure that's coming.
A few weeks ago we took the kids to Todd's friends house so they could ride in the combine for corn harvest with him. They had a blast! Since we were in the area we stopped at Grandma and Grandpa's and the kids got to help with chores.
Abby and Matthew both got to help Grandpa give the baby's water and hay.
Matthew really liked when the cows ate the hay right out of his hands.
So I'm attempting to organize Abby's room right now. Well, actually I am attempting the whole house. Anyone have any good idea's for me. How do you store your kids clothes that they have outgrown? Do you separate them by the sex of the kids or by sizes or both? Also what do you store them in. I've been using the Rubbermaid totes for a long time, but an wondering if there is a better solution.
Also, I going to tackel the kids art stuff someday soon, again! Anyone have any nifty solutions that have worked for that stuff? Right now I have all that in some small Rubbermaid containers, oh and playdoh, how do you organize that......I could go all day. I need idea's people!
I just finished my Halloween costume this afternoon. It turned out pretty good I think. There are some arm band things that are supposed to be on my wrists, but I don't think I'll make them.
This is what the pattern picture looks like. I didn't go with white since its so see through. Also didn't get as many jewels for the color since a little bag was $4.00. I found some on clearance for .50 and that was much more in my price range.
Matthew had his first day of preschool today! He was excited to get back and see one of his teachers, Cathryn!
He was also waiting and waiting to play on the "Balance Board" as he calls it. So when the teachers told them they could get out something to play with that's what he went for!
Abby was wishing she could stay too!
This is the best 1st day of preschool picture I could get. I guess it shows just how Matthew is though.....WEIRD!
Today the kids and I put the laundry and cartoons aside and spent a little time enjoying the fall weather!
There was hugging......
Climbing.... And all around fun! Thanks fall for the wonderful day!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I was searching the web for some fun Halloween crafts to do with the kids. I came across this one on a blog that I frequent. Today the kids and I made it and its so cute!
Abby concentrating really hard on making her candy corn.
Last weekend my Brother and I made Applesauce. I had made it one other time, but it was his first time. First you have to wash and quarter the apples. No need to seed or peel them. Then put them in a stockpot and just barely cover with water. Add about 5 red hot candies to the pot if you wish. Cook that until the apples are really soft when poked with a fork. It takes maybe 10 minutes.
After the apples are cooked put them through the food colander and mash them all through. The seeds and peelings will not got through. You can just throw them, or save them to feed the deer like my brother did. :)
After you have put all the apples through the colander add some sugar. We like a sweeter sauce so we added about 1 3/4 cups of sugar and then we added 2-3 Tbl of cinnamon. Then just put the sauce into hot jars and process for 40 minutes. Its that easy.
So far this Fall we have been very busy doing fall things! The kids and I went the day before it was supposed to frost and got to pick the last of his tomatoe crop and a few onions! Love FREE food!
Then we went to Grandma Wanda and Grandpa Joe's and picked Apples. We have made apple sauce and Apple butter so far. Thinking about trying some apple spice muffins. They look really good!
Then we went to the farm and picked our Pumpkins we planted last spring.
We had planted some seeds that were supposed to grow 100 lb pumpkins.They didn't get that heavy, but they sure got big!
Matthew's birthday was yesterday. He turned FIVE, and don't even get me started on that! His day started out with toast and a candle. Then Spiderman cake and a party.
Then presents. He took about ten minutes to open this one and one other because he didn't want to ripe the paper. He diligently took each piece of tape off till it was open. He got a few of the Transformers he wanted. If anyone knows how to actually transform those things in less than a half hour please teach us your tricks.
Matthew and Uncle Luke trying to get the transformer transformed!