We have done so many house projects in the last couple of weeks that I don't even know where to start! I tore up the carpet in Matthew's room finally only to find that it was covered in black tar like glue! Aaahhhhh! So after two days of scrapping it off with a putty knife its finally all off.

Then we had to have steal beams put in our basement along one wall, as they were caving in on us, so that meant we had to clean out our two storage areas, which is always fun. So while we had it all out I had Todd build me those shelves for all the tubs and stuff. Love them, Todd always does such a good job building me heavy duty shelves.

Then we decided to finally get rid of the old floor in the kitchen and dinning and whatever room and replace it with laminate wood flooring. Its SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!

Matthew helped by taking all the flooring pieces from one pile and making another pile with them. He thought that was really special! After we did that we realized we needed to do something with the trim, so the next project is painting all the trim upstairs white and getting white doors and probably painting the kitchen cabinets white! Anyone feel like painting?

The hall closet when you come in the front door also got an over haul. I wanted something to organize all the shoes, yes most of them are mine! I didn't like anything you could by in stores as none of it would fit Todd's shoes, so again I had Todd build me this and we painted it white. The little cubbies are for each persons gloves and hats and stuff and one extra for misc stuff.
I LOVE the floors! Who did you have helping you? I also adore white trim. If we weren't moving it would all be painted white here as well. I think your cabinets will look GREAT in white. Your trim too. Very updated looking. I'd help, but I'm a sloppy painter and have enough painting to do here! Guess we could help each other?
That looks awesome! I really like those floors! BTW, check out our blog today because it has a funny story about Matthew.
Looks great! It sounds like you guys are even busier with house projects than we are!
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