I'm not really sure where to begin since its been so long since I last posted. I guess I'll start off telling why its been so long. Its because I haven't been able to put the pictures from the camera onto the computer, because there is a lack of hard drive space. I finally freed up just enough to put a few pictures on. The picture above is from the rain we had a few weeks ago. The kids were really anxious to get out there matching rain gear.

Then a week or so after the rains it was Todd's mom and dad's anniversary. All three of the kids pitched in some $ and Todd made them this picnic table for there porch. They spend countless hours out there in the spring/summer! So it will be muched used.

Matthew's drawings have begun to actully look like things now. I had to post this one because he made it for me and told me its was a queen in her castle. So cute!

We had a full morning of dentist apointments about a week ago. Matthew had a back tooth were the roots rejected a cavity he had filled there a few monthes ago so the roots were being eaten away. Confussing I know, anyhoo he had it pulled a a spacer put in to keep that space open for his permantent tooth. He did great, thankfully he actually likes going to the dentist. I can tell you for sure he dosen't get that from his mom or dad! Abby had her first dentist appointent that day also! She was nervous at first but ended up doing great! She is a member of the no cavity club! Way to go Ab's!

Abby picking out ther prize at the dentist. What to choose?

Matthew had been wanting a scooter like he sees the older kids using since last summer. I found on Mother's day weekend at a garage sale. Its Batman even, and Abby got a princess one at the same sale. Perfect! They really enjoy riding them. Well Matthew rides his, and Abby rings her bell and tries to ride hers!

Matthew had his first ever school field trip last week. They went to the zoo. Here he is with his friend Taylor. They think its just great that they both have the same coats!

The kids have been asking every day since April if its a nice day for the slip and slide. Finally yesterday it was! They played on it for about 2 hours! I was glad that I could finally say "Yes! Its nice enough for the slip and slide!"

Abby in her Princess swim suit. Some time I'll have to post a picture of the hugh wedge she gets when she wears it. Its so cute!

No explination here!

Mommy and Abby being silly when Matthew was at school today. Thats it as far as the catch-up goes. This weekend we hope to get the 4 big evergreens cut down in our back yard. To save tons of money they are just being cut down into big chunks and we are taking care of the rest so if anyone wants to help or needs wood give us a call!
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