We finally made it to Idaho and Yellowstone and back. We drove straight through to Idaho the first day and stayed with Todd's sister Laura for 5 days then went to camp in Yellowstone for 3 days. It was a fun and long trip. The kids did great in the car. When in Idaho we did some hiking as you can see above.

We also went to the zoo, which was requested by Auntie Laura. Thankfully they had just opened their Africa exhibit because Matthew really wanted to see a giraffe and they actually had them.

The kids also were surprised to find out that they could run through a fountain in downtown Boise one day. It was the perfect day for it, because it was 100 degrees that day!

We also did some swimming in Auntie's pool.

The boys explored an old Lava Cave. Matthew thought this was the best thing ever. He had gotten a head lamp as he calls it which he was very excited to use in the cave. The girls were a little hesitant, so we stayed above ground.

Then we were on to Yellowstone. This was taken at Old Faithful.

Matthew posing at one of the many waterfalls we saw.

Doing some cooking at one of our campsites. It was really, really cold sleeping in Yellowstone.

The kids posing again.

Matthew looking at something "cool" I'm sure.
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