Well, I've lacked in my posting again. Sorry, I'll try harder I promise. We've been busy lately. What have we been doing you ask?
Well Mother's Day weekend I started planting my garden. I got the onions and carrots in the main, vegetable garden planted. Then I got pumpkin, gourds, sweet corn, sunflowers (the kids plant these and I figure the birds will like them) more onions and squash in the other two gardens. Since it was mothers day my mom was here for an overnight stay and together with her and my hubs I made this.
Isn't it CUTE! Its on the side of the chicken coop and the window is one that was in our farmhouse before it was remodeled and the green wayne's coating was in the basement cold storage area before I tore that down. I have black eyed susans planted to hopefully climb up the window. I plan to make two more of these with smaller windows for the shed.
On Tuesday I planted more in the vegetable garden. Did I mention that I HATE planting the garden! Don't know why, I just do. I LOVE harvesting it and watering and every thing else, just not planting. Okay, I got that off my chest. Back to Tuesday. I planted some tomatoes, but have room for more. I also got in the peppers, lettuce and peas. I was worried about the tomatoes at first because after I planted them they looked all sickly even after being watered in very well. Yesterday I checked on them and they look great!
Lastly we discovered SIX MORE baby kittens on Tuesday! Yes, SIX! They are so cute. When we were looking for the newest set of kittens we checked on the ones that were born a few weeks ago. There eyes are open now and they are just getting bigger and bigger. Cute, Cute, Cute I tell you.
I Could Eat This Every Day
3 hours ago